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Bringing together a community of grief and bereavement specialists to connect, educate and empower.

Companioning in Special Circumstances: Exploring the Hope and Healing Series

  • 04/17/2023
  • 8:00 AM
  • 04/20/2023
  • 12:00 PM
  • Fort Collins, Co

In grief, special loss circumstances often call for special companioning understanding and approaches. In this new training seminar, Dr. Wolfelt will provide a closer look at the specialized grief topics explored in his Words of Hope and Healing Series books.

What are the unique challenges of these types of grief? Which symptoms tend to be more pronounced? How are the six needs of mourning affected, and how can you help mourners feel safe and supported in encountering them? As Dr. Wolfelt presents each topic, join him in discussing these questions and collaborating on answers as well as offering up your pertinent companioning experiences and wisdom.

The content of this seminar is most appropriate for experienced caregivers looking to further develop their helping skills, graduates of Dr. Wolfelt’s other training courses, and more specialized grief caregivers who work with communities affected by topics covered in the training.

The american academy of bereavement

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